Peter Karl Kresl has authored, co-authored, and edited dozens of books,
articles, and papers on competitiveness, urban development, and the global economy. His most recent project with Edgar Elgar Publishers, The Impact of COVID on Cities: Policy Responses of Local Leaders, co-edited with Mattia Bertin, will be released in October 2023.
His latest books, Public Policy in Contentious Times and The City and Quality of Life, are available now.
Click each book image to order.
“Plenty has been written on the competitiveness of megacities, capital cities, and regional hubs. Cities in developing countries have not yet received the same attention – this book fills that gap. An international team of expert academics have come together to present a comprehensive study of the competitiveness of cities in the developing world.”
Peter Karl Kresl brings unique and invaluable empirical evidence, from the early 1990s through to 2005, to examine the relationship between urban competitiveness and economic-strategic planning for ten internationally networked cities within the EU. Planning Cities for the Future links the study of urban economic competitiveness with urban planning and is able to ascertain the crucial factors for success in this area of public policy. These factors include effective governance, leadership and monitoring of performance. He also suggests that today’s economic strengths may create tomorrow’s social pathologies.
“Most scholarly research on cities is focused on the great metropolitan areas of the world system. This book takes a refreshingly different approach by concentrating on small cities and what make them attractive to large numbers of people. In doing so, the book reveals that these cities are marked by enormous diversity and often display surprisingly robust form of economic, social and cultural life.”
Allen J. Scott, Research Professor, UCLA, USA
While much of the current literature on the economic consequences of an aging population focuses on the negative aspect, this enlightening book argues that seniors can bring significant benefit – such as vitality and competitiveness – to an urban economy. The book includes analyses of the effects of population aging on best practices in 40 cities in the US and EU, with surprising results, as well as interviews with city officials and leaders. The authors conclude that a large and active senior population has the potential to assist a city in the achievement of its strategic economic objectives.
‘In an era of pandemics and economic turbulence, remote working and learning, and significant shifts in both international and domestic migration patterns, Peter Karl Kresl has provided a timely and at times provocative treatise on cities and the quality of life that they provide in a world undergoing unprecedented urbanization. This very readable text should be required reading for professional planners and many of the people who find themselves navigating on a daily basis both the wondrous joys and vexing challenges of contemporary city life.’
Earl H. Fry, BYU Emeritus Professor and co-director of the New International Cities Era project, on The City and Quality of Life.
Authored or Co-Authored
- The Impact of COVID on Cities: Policy Responses of Local Leaders, co-edited with Mattia Bertin, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2023.
- Public Policy in Contentious Times, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2021.
- The City and Quality of Life, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2021.
- Urban competitiveness, in Africa, Latin America and East Asia, Experience and Policy, Co-authored with, Winnie Mitullah, Ni Pengfi, Isla Orhuela and Jaime Sobino, Abington: Routledge, 2020.
- Creating Cities/Building Cities: Architecture and Urban Competitiveness, with a contribution by Daniele Ietri, Abingdon: Routledge, 2017.
- Small Cities in a Competitive World Economy, co-authored with Daniele Ietri, Abingdon: Routledge, 2016
- The Global Urban Competitiveness Report: 2013, co-authored with Ni Pengfei, Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2015.
- Urban Competitiveness Theory and Practice, co-authored with Daniele Ietri, Abingdon: Routledge. 2015
- The Competitiveness of Cities, Nairobi, Kenya: UN Habitat, 2013.
- Buone notizie per le città: Impatti economici positive dell’invecchiamento della popolazione, co-authored with Daniele Ietri, Soveria Mannelli, Italy: Rubbettino, 2011.
- The Aging of the Population and Urban Economies, co-authored with Daniele Ietri, Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2010.
- The Global Urban Competitiveness Report: 2010, co-authored with Ni Pengfei, Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2010.
- Planning Cities for the Future; The Successes and Failures of Urban Economic Strategies in Europe, Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2007.
- The Urban Response to Internationalization, co-authored with Earl Fry, Northamption, Mass.:Edward Elgar Publishers, 2005.
- France Encounters Globalization, co-authored with Sylvain Gallais, Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2002.
- The Impact of Free Trade on Canadian-American Border Cities, Orono: Canadian-American Center of the University of Maine, Canadian-American Public Policy Monograph Series, No. 16, 1993.
- The Urban Economy and Regional Trade Liberalization, New York: Praeger, 1992.
- The Concession Process and Foreign Capital in Norway, Oslo: The Bank of Norway, Skriftserie, #4, Winter 1976-77.
Edited or Co-Edited
- Towards a Competitive, Sustainable Modern City, editor, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2020.
- Handbook of Research Methods on Cities, co-editor with Jaime Sobrino, Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar Publishers, February, 2013.
- European Cities and Global Competitiveness, co-edited with Daniele Ietri, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2012.
- Economic Strategies for Mature Urban Economies, editor, Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2010.
- North American Cities and The Global Economy, co-edited with Gary Gappert, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Urban Affairs Annual Review, Vol. 44, 1995.
- The Impact of Free Trade on Canadian-American Border Cities, Orono: Canadian-American Center of the University of Maine, Canadian-American Public Policy Monograph Series, No. 16, 1993.
- Seen from the South: U.S. Perspectives on Canadian Policy, edited, Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1989.
Selected Articles and Chapters in Books since 1995
- “Cómo la innovacíón tecnológica ha aumentado la participación de las ciudades mas pequeñas en la economía global,” in Isela Orhihuela, Claudia Tello, Héctor Solano, Luisa Rodríquez y Citlalli Becerril, Desafíos urbanos y metropolitanos en México y el mundo, Mexico City, 2017, pp. 109-123
- “The Impact of Housing Prices on Pittsburgh’s Economic Growth and Competitiveness,” UN Habitat, Guangzhou, October 30, 2017, Forthcoming.
- “Public Enterprises and the Enhancement of National Competitiveness”, Public Enterprise, Vol. 22, Nos. 1-2, 2016, pp. 1-17.
- “Population aging and urban competitiveness,” in Ni Pengfei, Peter Karl Kresl and Wei Liu, The Global Urban Competitiveness Report – 2013, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2015,pp. 194-206.
- “A development officer’s guide to clusters,” in Ni Pengfei and Zheng Qiongjie, Urban Competitiveness and Innovation, 2014, pp. 203-217.
- “China Urban Competitiveness in Industrialization” with Ni Pengfei and Li Xiaojiang, Urban Studies, forthcoming, 2014.
- “Cities in competition: What do we see looking forward?”, From Urban Systems to Sustainable Competitive Metropolitan regions: Essays in honour of Leo van den Berg, Rotterdam: Erasmus University, 2013.
- “Empirical approaches to urban competitiveness analysis,” in Peter Karl Kresl and Jaime Sobrino, co-editors, Handbook of Research Methods on Cities, Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar Publishers, February, 2013, pp. 32-59.
- “Evaluation of strategic planning exercises,” in Peter Karl Kresl and Jaime Sobrino, co-editors, Handbook of Research Methods on Cities, Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar Publishers, February, 2013, pp. 269-294.
- “The Centrality of Urban Economies to the Study of Competitiveness”, Business and Economics Research Journal, Vo. 6, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 219-234.
- “The prospect for European urban economies,” in Peter Karl Kresl and Daniele Ietri, co-editors, European Cities and Global Competitiveness, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2012, pp.15-31.
- “The future of Europe’s smaller cities and towns,” in Peter Karl Kresl and Daniele Ietri, co-editors, European Cities and Global Competitiveness, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2012, pp.294-312.
- “Urban Competitiveness and US Metropolitan Centers”, with Balwant Singh, Urban Studies, Vol. 49, No. 2, 2012, pp. 238-253.
- “An aging population and the economic vitality of Pennsylvania’s cities and towns,” in Peter Karl Kresl, (editor), Economic Strategies for Mature Urban Economies, editor, Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2010, 232-248.
- “Buon notizie per le città l’invecchiamento della popolazione e la competitività urbana”, in Geografie del popolamento: casi di studio, methodi e teorie, Università degli Studi di Siena, 2009, pp. 133-142.
- “Arts in the City and Global changes: The Demographical Challenge, with Daniele Ietri, The Journal of the Arts in Society, Volume 4, Number 3, 2009.
- “Aging of the Population: Good News for Cities,” co-authored with Daniele Ietri, Local Economy, September-November 2009.
- “The US System of Innovation,” Biblioteca della Libertà (Centro Luigi Einaudi), 2006 (translated from English)
- “The Impacts of the September 11 Events on Canada’s Foreign Policy,” in Alex Netherton, Allen Seager and Karl Froschauer (eds.), In/Security: Canada in the Post-9/11 World, Burnaby: Simon Fraser University, 2005, pp. 429-450.
- “NAFTA and its Discontents,” International Journal (“U.S.-Canada Relations,” Edited by David G. Haglund and Joseph T. Jockel), May, 2005.
- “Citizen Participation in Canada and the United States: the case of health care reform,” in B. Castagna, S. Gallais, P. Ricaud and J.-P. Roy (eds.), La situation deliberative dans le débat public, Vol. 1, Tours: Presses Universitaires François-Rablais, 2004, pp. 155-168.
- “Revitalisation des quartiers centraux aus Etats-Unis: vers une attitude proactive,” in Reconversion économique et développement territorial, Saint-Foy, Quebec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2003, pp. 51-76. (Translated from English)
- “Urban Competitiveness in North America and the Era of New Technologies,” in Globalization and the Information Technology Revolution: their impact on North America’s federal systems, Earl H. Fry and V. Wallace McCarlie (eds.), Provo: Brigham Young University, 2002, pp, 62- 72.
- “Quebec City and Montreal, and the Impacts of Globalization,” Quebec Studies, Vol. 32, Fall/Winter 2002, pp. 3-13.
- “Urban economic competitiveness: the case of Montreal,” in Iain Begg (ed.), Urban Competitiveness, Bristol: The Policy Press, 2002
- “France Encounters Globalization,” in Globalization and the Political Economy of Trade Policy, Edited by Christos C. Paraskevopoulos, Andreas A. Kintis and Leo Michelis, Toronto: APF Press, 2001.
- “Come formare una cultura nazionale in un mondo senza confini,” in Giancarlo Rolla (ed.), Lo sviluppo dei diritti fondamentali in Canada, Milano: Dott.A. Giuffre editore, 2000, pp. 277-299. (Translated from English)
- “Montreal’s Place in the North American Economy,” with Pierre-Paul Proulx, American Review of Canadian Studies, Autumn 2000, pp. 293-314.
- “Social Cohesion in a Globalizing Economy,” Cahiers de Jérico-st, CEDP, Tours (France), No. 2, 2000.
- “Competitiveness and the Urban Economy: the Experience of 24 Large US Metropolitan Areas,” Urban Studies, May 1999.
- “La resuesta de la economía urbana al Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte: planificar para la competitividad,” Economía, Sociedad y Territorio, vol.I, núm. 4, julio-diciembre de 1998.
- “Urban Economies and the Global Economy: India and North America,” in Vinay Kumar Malhotra and K. S. Purushothaman (eds.), India and the USA: Economic Relations and Literature, New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1998, with Balwant Singh.
- “Locally Designed Strategies for Enhancing the Competitiveness of Cities in a Globalized Economy” in Better Governance for More Competitive and Liveable Cities, Report of the OECD-Toronto Workshop, Paris: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1997.
- “Canada’s relation to the global economy: is it time to revisit the Third Option?,” in Alessandro Anastasi, Giovanni Bonanno and Rosalba Rizzo (eds.), The Canadian Vision, Fifth European Multidisciplinary Conference, 26-28 April 1996, Giardini/Naxos, Italy, Conference Procedings, 1997.
- “Quebec Independence and the Likelihood of trade Conflict with the United States,” ARCS, Spring 1997.
- “La politique culturelle : conflit ou compromis?,” in Recherche : culture et communications, Actes du colloque 64e congrès de l’ACFAS, Université McGill à Montréal, 15 et 16 mai 1996, Québec: Ministère de la Culture et des Communications, 1996, pp. 75-101.
- “Quebec’s Culture Policy: Will Increased Autonomy Matter?,” ARCS, Winter, 1996.
- “The Political Economy of Canada’s Culture Policy: The 1990’s,” in André Lapierre, Patricia Smart, and Pierre Savard, Language, Culture and Values in Canada at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Ottawa: Carleton University Press and The International Council for Canadian Studies, 1996.
- “Trade and the Role of Cities: What Does Institutionalism have to Offer Us?,” in John Adams and Anthony Scaperlanda (eds.), The Institutional Economics of the International Economy, Norwell, Mass: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
- “The Competitive City,” Countdown to Istanbul: Habitat II (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements), No. 5, November 1995, pp. 17 and 18.
- “International Competitiveness of Cities,” Local Government World (Newsletter of the International Union of Local Authorities), No. 4, August 1995, pp. 10 & 11.
- “The Competitiveness of Cities: the United States,” with Balwant Singh, Cities and the New Global Economy, Melbourne: The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and The Australian Government, 1995.
- “The Determinants of Urban Competitiveness: A Survey,” in Peter Karl Kresl and Gary Gappert (eds.), North American Cities and the Global Economy, Urban Affairs Annual Review series, Sage Publications, 1995.
- “Canadian Studies,” in Michael Payne (ed.), The Blackwell Dictionary of Cultural and Critical Theory, Oxford: Blackwell, 1995.